Sunday, February 22, 2009

+2 Dresses

So update: 

1) Elder Suh was the most awkward day of my life.
And I mean, everyone knew it. I didn't even have to blog about it for people to JUST know.
There were maybe a hand full of people that made it awkward. But because there were maybe 50+ people I knew there that I'm pretty close to...that balanced it out. 

2) Fish and CHIPS! MY GOODNESS. Thank you, Marvin. I have been craving that for MONTHS now! And it was so worth the bus ride and the cold weather :) 

3) I'm back into swimming!!! 

4) Finally called my driving instructor too! 

5) Seems like my life is falling together now...I've been going to Church on my own again and it feels amazing! The homily touched me today too. It was about the gospel which was the one about the paralyzed man who wanted to be healed by Jesus but there was such a large crowd that he had to be taken down through the roof. And Father was saying: "Think and reflect about what your disability is...what your obstacle is, like the crowd was to the man...and most of all...think about what you would do to GET to Jesus (like how the man went through the roof.)" And then I was thinking in my head, "What would I say to Jesus? Am I worthy of being healed? And do people even WANT to know life away from sin? Or would they rather sin?" Then I realized just how much I want to get out of this pool of darkness...I want to be able to see his face as clearly as I once did. So here I go...I'm going to sign up for an hour of adoration chapel a week. 

6) Yes, the title does mean I bought 2 more dresses. They were amazingly priced! So don't get upset. $10 for a baby doll Propaganda Dress and then $43 for a Vero Moda dark blue satin dress. Sigh...I called Marvin to tell him (woke him up actually) and his response was: Kay...good night. HAHA

1 comment:

JAYBEAST said...

Yeah I do have chinese eyes.. I open my eyes wider when I take pictures!

NOT ONLY DO I DO THAT, but I put the camera up at a higher level then make it face down, forcing me to look up.

So shut the hell up, I do have chinese eyes!