Yesterday, as in Friday the 20th of November, was such a WIN.
Despite some people showing off in my face early in the morning...
I woke up in such a good mood. First off, I actually got some sleep before this english exam because I've been prepping all week.
I'm pretty sure I did well on the M/C. I know that I did well on my synthesis essay because I spent 45 minutes on it. I bombed my Hamlet paragraph :(
buuut I killed my original composition.
So I'm thinking I got a low A on that exam, but I'll take it because it's the LAST I'M EVER GONNA SEE OF GRADE 12 ENGLISH. And I can say "hello" to AP English. (:
The prompt for the original composition was, "Recognizing Truth."
And my character half recognizes it half doesn't. Depends on how you look at it.
My essay was based on a boy in grade two who keeps whispering to his yellow plastic ruler that it is "so wrong" constantly throughout the story. And he finds out that his ruler isn't exactly a foot long (30 cm.) And I threw in a shit load of symbols within symbols, paradox'd a few things, and even threw in some alliteration whenever Ms. Laliberte would speak. The audience finds out that the ruler metaphor parallels how the dad lies to 'Bradley' about his mom leaving them. Bradley believes that his mom is with another man...but she actually died. And Bradley believes this because his dad always says, "Mummies with Him now." And you find out that because Bradley is in a Catholic school that everyone just refers to God as Him and expect Bradley to know what they're talking about. So there you go.
Anyways, after the exam I went to White Spot avec Marie, Anna, and Shenette. We bumped into some '08 grads: Ivee and Linnea. And we walked around the mall for a bit. Then Shenette and Marie had to leave to catch their bus but Anna and I were getting picked up by her parents. Anna's mom bought an Iphone aka "The Big One." I drank calming tea from Aveda with Anna's dad who LOVED it and got a second sample and even told the Brazilian on the bench that it was real good. Then anna and I went to shoppers where we found out that twilight has its own MAKE UP LINE. I know. So gross. Then we went to Claire's to buy leg warmers and lace leggings. Yay.
Then I saw my marvster and we watched the hockey game and fell asleep watching it.
And this is why yesterday was so "win."