Monday, February 1, 2010


It's how I can walk on a tight-rope like walking on the side-walk. 
I'm stable and able. I've got soooo much to lose. And I guess that's the tight-rope part of it all; I've got everything I've ever wanted; ever needed... and they're SO precious to me that with one wrong move, my whole life could topple away. I've worked SO hard for this. And I can say that I've done it honestly and haven't kicked any asses along the way.How high up I am right now, freaks the HELL out of me. But because I've worked so hard... I've built up enough leg-muscle and this balancing art is already so easy-breezy. 

The scariest part is... when/if I fall... the unfamiliar concrete is gonna hurt like no other. 
The side-walk turns into the tight-rope. And I won't be walkin' stable and able. 

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