Friday, February 5, 2010

IM'ing you.

I know it's an ad and all but I think it says a lot 
about what we've been doing with texting and stuff. 
"Muah"'s on MSN or Facebook or through texts just aren't the
same as the 'original' instant message. 

(haven't seen you for almost two weekends; it kills.) 

Moolah eater.

This is the next thing that'll consume my money. In navy. 
It even folds up. How cute is that? 

Thursday, February 4, 2010


It’s easy being indifferent than to care. It’s easy to live for yourself than serve others. And “easy,” is hard to break from.
You have no idea how much this applies to me . 
I care soooo much about the little things. And some people take it as "nosy" 
or "bitchy" but I actually genuinely care sometimes. But I don't know what to do with it. 
I don't know where to put all of that love because... I don't know... I'm scared some people 
won't accept it. I'm not even scared about rejection really. I think I'm just scared of passive-ness because 
I won't be able to handle knowing that there ARE people out there who don't give two shits about 
things that mean the world to me. Like how I care about the respect women have for themselves 
and how they should treasure and protect themselves both physically and mentally. But some people really don't care. 
(I discussed this with Anna the other day: And in all sorts of ways, I've been 
trying to avoid standing up for the things I believe in. (Especially when it comes to university decisions with my parents.) I just don't know where to start. 
I'll think it over while I take a long hot shower maybe...
Or pray.

Next tat?

"Dum spiro, spero."

While I breathe, I hope. 
-Latin Proverb

Monday, February 1, 2010


It's how I can walk on a tight-rope like walking on the side-walk. 
I'm stable and able. I've got soooo much to lose. And I guess that's the tight-rope part of it all; I've got everything I've ever wanted; ever needed... and they're SO precious to me that with one wrong move, my whole life could topple away. I've worked SO hard for this. And I can say that I've done it honestly and haven't kicked any asses along the way.How high up I am right now, freaks the HELL out of me. But because I've worked so hard... I've built up enough leg-muscle and this balancing art is already so easy-breezy. 

The scariest part is... when/if I fall... the unfamiliar concrete is gonna hurt like no other. 
The side-walk turns into the tight-rope. And I won't be walkin' stable and able. 

No.1: Just be.

Be who I am. 
Be all that I can be.
Be grateful.
Be understanding. 
Just let everything work through me, especially God. 
I just want to BE. 

I know there's no such thing as "living life" as a resolution, cuz life's started already. 
I've BEEN living. But there's a difference between BEING and LIVING. 
I want to BE. I want God to work through me. I need Him to. Especially with all the things I'm about to take on. I need God to be there for me. I need to start relying on Him. (And nothing else.) Living comes with it's own connotations. And I need life to be simpler than living. I can't be thinking about the future. I can't be thinking about the past. I need to be in the present. And everything else will follow. The past needs to be let go of. I can't keep bringing it into my future... because then it's just the same stuff over again; because then there will never be a NEW future. 

This year, I just want to  BE.

No.2: Pray

Pray for understanding. 

Simple in words. 
Complex in action.