Sunday, October 4, 2009

Without gatekeepers.

"...or if you're interested in this that I'm interested in perhaps I can introduce you to something else that you might like that you didn't automatically think of ...that's a pretty exciting concept. If we can share those authentic parts of ourselves with one another then we get to have an experience that there really is much less that's different about us than I thought and we're really more alike than we're not alike. And where there is sameness, where there is a like quotient, there's commonality, with commonality there's so much less fear, without so much fear there's so much less conflict, without conflict the likelihood and probability of war drops significantly. And that thing that we always said that we wanted as a species,
"p e a c e," becomes just that more possible and has been made so by technology. Why did we create this in the first place? If not to get to a place where we can REALLY connect. Not distance ourselves from one another. I think it's to genuinely connect." 

-LeVar Burton (Yes, the guy from the Reading Rainbow.) 

Probably the first time I have ever head someone speaking about how technology (mainly twitter, and such) can lead to peace. And this hope that LeVar brings about through his genuine belief....really sort of inspired the geek in me, I guess. It made me believe that the internet can REALLY be a sort of community-building without gatekeepers...

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