Friday, February 6, 2009

SO...what's new?

WELL, I bought another dress. (With Katrina and Jade in's what we richmondites do.) I have to stop...I really do. I've bought so many dresses that I don't even have enough occasions to match with. But yes, I'll stop...I really me.

Sometimes I choose to not listen to myself. What can you do? (Haha, Danica!) I have told Shannon and Marvin, I'm growing copper hair. How? I don't know. Before I discovered only 2....and now I have 5. It's weird....I hope it doesn't mean I'm getting less nutrients or something. Because that wouldn't be good.

Today, my mom wanted to watch a movie with me and my sister. (My aunt and her husband went to watch it...and phoned up my mom to tell her how good it was. Filipinos. *rolls eyes*)
But actually, it was an amazing movie! It's called Taken...and it really opened my eyes to how bad the world can be. Outside of this perfect bubble we live in...there are a thousand and more things that are dangerous to us and can just as easily pop our bubble. AND I think I'm starting to believe that my dad just might actually kill someone to get me back if I was kidnapped.

Check it out:

1 comment:

AR said...

yeah! whats up with filipinos and doing that??

my mom ALWAYS has to watch a movie just because tita lils says its good......

seriously. our mothers would not survive high school....