Monday, February 16, 2009

The bond that can't be broken.

Some people create invincible, yet extremely significant, borders. 
These selective boundaries help us divide what is good, essentially, and what is bad. 

The side in which you plae yourself is what you consider "home" and it's whatever is in this home that keeps us together. It's in this specific and highly sensitive area that we keep the most dear and cherished people in our lives. 

For some it might be their husband, for others their friends, or their dog, maybe even their God-sent chemsitry teacher. The mentioned are only visitors, however, that come and go when it seems fitting. They're the sort of people that tell you that you can stay afloat by treading water. However, there is also a group of people that are necessary to help us swim. (Help us get us somewhere.)

They are a group that can't be abandoned or forgotten...
Whether you get along or don't see eye to eye is irrelevant. You can't run away from and then succeed, as a result, in forgetting them like you could a friend. No. 
And you can't divorce them like you could a husband. 
And you can't just stop talking to them for years and forget their face when you happened to bump into them on the street. You just can't. 

And as much as you may want to forget or run away...

You can cry about it until you can't breathe,
You can waste yourself away on narcotics and alcohol, 
You can even try the dangerous and forget how to love, 

However, none of these things will solve the problem,
and, most certainly, none of these will help you in the long-run.

You might not trust them.
They might've hurt you. 

You might want to erase them from your mind, 

but you can't erase them from the ONE PLACE 
that matters most...

And you can't...because they're blood; they're what sustains the heart.
They're what keeps you above water. 
They're the bond that can't be broken.

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