Sunday, December 20, 2009

taken from christinadagger

I thought this was clever enough to do:

Add up the things you’ve done and the total with be your title.

$58.50 buuuut seriously...I blame number 17 and 18 on Marvin. Harsh not my fault. It should REALLY be $51.50

1. Had sex: $10.00
2. Smoked: $3.00
3. Got drunk: $7.00
4. Went skinny dipping: $5.00
5. Kissed someone of the opposite sex: $5.00
6. Kissed someone of the same sex: $5.00
7. Cheated on a test: $2.00  (Seriously?) 
8. Fell asleep in class $0.50  (I started in Grade 2...or was it 3? Either way I blame Jordan Macken for calling me out.)
9. Been expelled: $5.00
10. Been in a fist fight: $10.00
11. Given oral: $10.00
12. Got oral: $10.00
13. Prank called the cops: $3.00
14. Stole something: $2.00
15. Done drugs: $5.00
16. Dyed your hair: $0.50 (Proud to say that my hair is STILL a virgin.)
17. Done something with someone older (like a few years): $3.00 (Done something as in what? Whoever made this needs to get more precise....)
18. Went out with someone OVER 18 (if your under 18): $4.00  (whoever made this is stupid and we wouldn't get along cuz it's YOU'RE! not your!)
19. Ate a whole thing of oreos: $0.50
20. Cried yourself to sleep: $1.00
21. Said you love someone but didnt mean it: $1.00 (hmmmmm...)
22. Been in love: $4.00 (why is this $4?!?! It's not even a BAD thing.)
23. Got caught doing something that you shouldn’t have been doing: $1.00
24. Went streaking: $4.00
25. Got arrested: $5.00
26. Made out with someone: $2.00
27. Peed in the pool: $0.50  (What if I was in like... Kindergarten?!?!? Then what?!) 
28. Played spin the bottle: $1.00
29. Done something you regret: $3.00

1 comment:

Christina said...

I wish that we were actually given real money for this.