Saturday, November 21, 2009

This road is taking me to where I'm meant to be.

So let me digress a little from exams and all.

I just want to share with you guys a little bit of happiness. 
Scratch that. 
A little bit of a lot of happiness. 

I know what I'm doing!! 
It sounds crazy and all but I actually know what I'm doing with my life.
And that is HUGE! Because about 2 weeks ago I didn't even know if I was going into arts or sciences. 
I'm going to neither...just to let you know. 

I've applied for Sauder UBC school of commerce!!!! :) 
(And I chose sciences as my back-up.)
I just need to maintain my Math percentage and I'm IN! 
Suuuuh-weet right?! 

Anyways, what else is there to update you guys on? 
School is great. Work isn't happening right now cuz of exams (I booked off 2 weeks!) And play is finally in motion! THANK GOD. I am spending the day before my exams at school for the auditions!!! Haha, better appreciate my presence there all you actors. Just kidding. But seriously. I would even spend my birthDAY at school for play. I'm IMMENSELY/MEGA/SUPERDUPERPUMPED for this!!!! You have no idea. 

I'll stop rambling now. 

Bye guys.
Hope exams aren't stressing you out.

All I have to say some calming tea from Aveda. It really works. 

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