Thursday, September 17, 2009

Why... would you do this to me?

Why don't you understand? 
Why don't you just SEE it the way everybody else does?
Why must you believe it's an octagon...when really it's just your EVERY DAY FRICKIN square?!
In other words (I really shouldn't be practicing metaphors on you...) why can't you see that it's just simple? It's what it is. 
I am being professional. 
I am doing this with poise and grace.
I am TRYING to not let you bug me.
But honey, you're bugging the living shit out of me.

And I just want to let you know that you've crossed a border. 
I want to let you know that you've brought drama into a part of my life that was so pure. You've tainted that part of me. It was a place where I could do what I'm good at doing without being disturbed and without distraction. This isn't an egotistical thing at all. It isn't even a "I was here first" way of thinking. 

It leans more on the fact that I'm hurt. 
Let me rephrase that actually...I'm STILL hurt. 
And, I think I deserve the time needed to get over it.

What it comes down to that whenever I look at you...
I experience pain. A real...grab my core by the roots and completely displace all normality and zen sort of pain. A pain that reminds me of what you did. Of how you hurt me.

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