Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I show what I know
I'm the show know; hurt by the know-show 
"Should've known. Should've known."
I'm not history.
Don't even make history. 
Make the soon to be 
the meant to be.
Convince you and I into a We.
And I'll tell the kids our story. 

This is a show show and tell tell 
and I'll tell tell when you well well well'd me 
and told me to move on. 
I'm still here.
Still the now.
Still incredible.
How you're so unforgettable. 
How you jump into my life.
Catch me by surprise.
Always on schedule.
Always on time. 
And at the sound of your voice.
I knew I had no choice. 

The words, your song, 
The way you move, 
Make me wanna take you 
embrace you 
kisses-all-up-in-your-face you 
And taste you.

But you were my know-show. 
I waited so long for those words to flow
But I got up to your venue 
Waited for the I love you.
Then you hung the sign up on the door...
And it clearly read, "Closed. No SHOW." 

I want to be yours 
Until the sun fades 
Just say the words...
They're ours to say. 

Was it me? 
My love was always free. 
You don't have to have money. 
Just let it be.
Let faith be.
Let hope be.
Let love be.
Let US be. 

NO been 
NO was 
NO did 
Just be 
Because we 
Were meant to be. 

Don't want to be your past, 
Because I want us to last, 
I want to be your now your future 
Your forever and ever. 
And ever and ever I'll love you forever and ever. 

So please don't be my no-show. 
I want to show you that I know, 
I know we're a we and not a you
and not a me,  
We'll put on this show, 
Be on schedule 
Because "till death do us part" is our curtain call. 

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