Monday, January 26, 2009

I am not sick. I am not sick. I am not sick. *clicks heels together*

But seriously now.
I'm NOT going to admit I'm sick.
Because CLEARLY I'm not.

I'm going to study for bio LIKE NO OTHER.
I'm going to learn everything I have to learn (cell biology especially because I've got human biology down like the sunset.)
I have to work on Organic Molecules, Eukaryotic Cells, and Plasma Membranes with their Permeability and such. AND THEN I think I've got it down. It's the organic molecules I didn't understand at here goes nothing.


Here goes something. I WILL MAKE SOMETHING OUT OF THESE 32 Chapters I have to study.

Oh, and I will get an A on my Chem exam....I

I wish I was sick ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But you're NOT sick. You are healthy.