Friday, November 14, 2008

"You, sir, have lost YOUR mind."

You have no control over me.
You have no business in my brain.
You have no key to my heart.
You have no appreciation for my time.
You have no eyes for kindness.
You have nothing.

"No, sir, YOU'VE lost YOUR mind."
But yes, sir, I stand corrected... you do have a few things.
This, sir, is your CHECKLIST before you leave the house:
1) Pride
2) Arrogance
3) Selfishness
4) Greed
5) Ignorance
6) Ego
7) And your black heart (or what's left of it...). You don't want to forget that. In case you ever feel like being kind for once
... too funny.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good one, if only you knew.