Wednesday, November 19, 2008

BIG SIGH x9999999squared.

Ew. Math Term in my name HAHA. (I just had a math test intense in our class room...swear to God.)

SO, I went to VC today to look at the uni. fair. AND. MY. GOD.
I'm pretty confused...but I think talking to Mrs.R about this (and basically thinking out loud) will help me figure things out.
My schools in the order of interest:
1) WATERLOO (I swear this is my vocation.) And I, for some reason, really don't care how far it is away from everyone...I'll miss you guys...but it's WATERLOO.
2)'s temptation...I famous. Haha, I'll feel so well-known.
3) UBC...I could be boring and just stick around here...but who wants to do that?! Just kidding. I'd like to stay here..because a) it's home b) most of my support network is here...aka nurses/doctors/people in health sciences c) I'd miss my mom...and her cooking. Sigh.
4) and my last option...which still remains Laurier. can tell, I want to be away from home. I want to AT LEAST do my bachelor's in the East and then maybe come here for my Master's...or go somewhere else. (I just don't want to be somewhere where I think the same as everyone---by going elsewhere I'll be able to bring some "flavour" of thought.) I'll be able to go to the East and bring a different way of thinking from BC...making me stand-out (a little more) than the average Eastern resident. THEN I'll be able to either come back home...or go somewhere else for my Master's and bring a totally different game there. See?
I've got this....I think.
Just gotta hold on a bit more...and follow that 'gut' feeling.
And follow my heart.
I think I've fallen in "love" with Waterloo.
Bye bye, nest...I'll take my wings elsewhere.

"I know that what we have is worth first place and gold and I'm soaked in your love...and love is right in my path, in my grasp...and me and you BELONG."


Anonymous said...

Don't go to McGill. That's where people get shot.

M.E. said...

ryerson or queens with me?

jade s, said...

elllla, i hope everything works out for you! but no matter wherever you go youll always do fine on your own and go far in life

p.s. How about yoga saturday? freeee? har har har

Anonymous said...

Yeah I know he told me like 304953049543 times today. His main selling point was that a lot of Lebanese people go there. I'm like Greeeeaaaat.

jade s, said...

lol, i forgot, your family bday partay! k ill see about sunday!!!
feel better k
see you tmr ♥